The XIX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 01-05, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod
Author's Index
Author: Bocquet R. (Университет Литтораль Кот Опаль, Дюнкерк, Франция)
List of reports:
- Mouelhi M., Jellali C., Aroui H., Rohart F., Hindle F., Mouret G., Bocquet R., Cuisset A.
Broadening coefficients of rotational transitions of H2S measured by submillimeter-wave spectroscopy and theoretical calculations
- Roucou A., Jabri A., Fontanari D., Dhont G., Hindle F., Mouret G., Bocquet R., Cuisset A., Asselin P., Goubet M.
Conformational analysis of methoxyphenol isomers using high-resolution spectroscopy and quantum chemistry calculations 